km Entrepreneur Day 2016
This year, km credit consulting once again invited guests to its traditional “km Unternehmertag” (km Entrepreneur Day). For the fifth year, the successful event was held on July 6th, 2016. Above the rooftops of Cologne and true to the mantra “Impulses, Ideas, and Interaction,” km credit consulting again offered its business partners and clients an inspiring platform for the exchange of information as well as for networking about ongoing credit management issues.
This year’s event provided some exciting live insight into the methods of cyber crime and a complementary overview of the possible protection concepts available through fidelity bonds and cyber insurance. Additional topics provided information on the current efforts for reforming insolvency avoidance law as well as pertaining to the effectiveness of the ECB’s instruments under consideration of the current political and economic developments in Europe and across the globe.
By clicking on the desired topic, you will be able to access the respective presentations of the speakers. In this way, you will be provided with more in-depth insight into the selected topic. For questions and more detailed information, please contact us. We look forward to hearing from you. To do this, please select a contact method from those listed in the right column.
Threat of cyber crime in Germany and the possible repercussions for your company
Speaker: Götz Schartner
Managing Director, 8com Information Security GmbH
- Bedrohung Netzkriminalitaet - 8com.pdf [PDF 9 MB]
Insurance concepts for cyber crime and other pecuniary losses resulting from misappropriation, conscious breach of duty, and damage caused by third parties
Speaker: Rüdiger Kirsch
Head of Specialist Department for Fidelity Bonds Insurance Damage, Euler Hermes Deutschland
ECB – An emperor without clothes? An outlook on the economy and capital markets
Speaker: Rainer Sartoris
Economist, HSBC Trinkaus & Burkhardt AG
- EZB_Ein Kaiser ohne Kleider - HSBC.pdf [PDF 2 MB]
The reform of the insolvency avoidance law – what will change for the creditor?
Speaker: Dr. Christian Wolf
Attorney at Law and Partner, GÖRG Partnership of Lawyers mbB
- Neuerungen Insolvenzanfechtungsrecht - RAe GOERG.pdf [PDF 916 KB]
Tradition with added value: km Entrepreneur Day 2017
Success means creating added value. This is exactly the standard that km credit consulting is seeking and achieving through its annual km Entrepreneur Day. Financial managers and financial experts representing the most varied industries meet to exchange information about topics that affect them. Therefore, the guiding principle of the traditional event is always: Promoting experience and knowledge; demonstrating developments and innovations; providing solutions and answers; and finally, initiating specific measures for action. Because tradition only stands the test of time if these principles are followed.
“The participants tell us that that is exactly what we do. And the annually growing number of participants is the objective indicator for this success,” emphasizes Jörg Kowalewski, Managing Partner of km credit consulting. For this reason, the next km Entrepreneur Day will be held in 2017. Our sixth event will again be, in terms of content, closely coordinated and developed with the participant group – in the best tradition of the event.
For questions and more detailed information, please contact us. We look forward to hearing from you. To do this, please select a contact method from those listed in the right column.