Founding and philosophy
km credit consulting GmbH was founded in May 2009 by Markus Moritz and Jörg Peter Kowalewski, the managing directors. Both held senior positions with credit insurance companies and banks and possess many years of experience and comprehensive credit management know-how.
Individual advice is a matter of course
The motivation and goal of the company’s founders is to connect the classic services of an internationally operating industrial broker in covering del credere risks with the comprehensive business consulting that assesses the company’s entire del credere cycle and incorporates the results into the development of individual coverage concepts: km credit consulting. Results orientation, flexibility and experience shape the consulting services of km credit consulting. Using the “Boule ball” theme, we’d also like to visualize our self-image. There is hardly another sport that requires this level of patience, perseverance and goal orientation as well as a flexible approach towards constantly changing game situations – just like our credit management consulting concept.
Initiative requested: professionalization of credit managements
Especially in times of sinking coverage capacities and higher default risks, credit management must become a centralized corporate function. The professionalization of the internal credit management as well as a diversified risk strategy is essential in reducing bad debt, avoiding dependencies and ensuring corporate liquidity.
In doing so, there’s a focus on the competent assessment of the client’s creditworthiness by the company’s employees. An internal company criteria catalogue for the calculation of the default probability of a client’s receivables helps make a decision on supplier credits in the risk-neutral decision. The sales team plays a vital role in the systematic entry of the accrued data and its integration into existing systems.
Even the optimization of the working capital as a means of releasing tied-up capital is – especially in phases of reduced financial capabilities – one of the most important credit management functions.
The dawn of a new era
On August 12th 2020 we informed clients and partners about an additional milestone that has set our course moving forward. In order to successfully face the many market challenges of a specialized broker in future as well as to actively advance the developments in credit management, we have decided to merge km credit consulting into the association of Germany’s biggest insurance broker, the Ecclesia Group, which has its headquarters in Detmold, Germany.
We continue to strive to be the leader in the development of solutions for credit protection and the financing of trade receivables, now with a powerful majority owner who has proven in the past that they serve their clients with the same understanding for providing excellent service. The development and implementation of customized solutions for our clients will continue to have the highest priority.
With this move, we are “taking the next step” and are planning the continued growth and sustainability of the Group’s credit insurance segment. With 2.500 employees and 2.6 billion euros in premium volume placed p. a. the Ecclesia Group is the leading German insurance broker. The company’s corporate values such as professionalism, reliability, responsibility, trust, and cooperation as well as the focus on market leadership in Germany, were decisive factors for wanting to move the mutual development of credit insurance and receivables financing forward and to expand the Group’s portfolio with the km credit consulting brand.
We will remain the shareholders of km credit consulting and will therefore still assume responsibility for providing personal and customer-focused consulting to our clients. Beyond that, we will be responsible for the credit risk segment within the Ecclesia Group. The Group, along with the current business units deas Deutsche Assekuranzmakler GmbH, CFG Finance Group, the Competence Center Credit & Factoring of the SCHUNCK GROUP as well as km credit consulting gmbh, will assume a defining role in the German market.